News and Media

Vale Rod Marsh and Shane Warne – Legends of Australian Cricket
Vale Rod Marsh and Shane Warne Legends of Australian Cricket March 7, 2022 With deep sadness, I note the passing of two very fine Australian cricketers, West Australian Rod Marsh MBE and Victorian Shane Warne. Marsh and Warne were the very best that have ever played...

Statement from Rev Hon Fred Nile MLC on the ongoing Supreme Court hearings of the Christian Democratic Party
Statement from Rev Hon Fred Nile MLC on the ongoing Supreme Court hearings of the Christian Democratic Party March 5, 2022 Regarding the latest in Supreme Court hearings, Judge Black proposed he will ‘stay the order to wind up the CDP Party for a period...

Week in review – NSW Legislative Council Resumes Sittings – Euthanasia – Vaccine Compensation – Religious Freedom
Week in review NSW Legislative Council Resumes Sittings Euthanasia – Vaccine Compensation – Religious Freedom February 26, 2022 Wednesday saw the Second Reading Speech for Alex Greenwich’s Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2021 by Labor MLC Hon Adam Searle. This...

Rev Nile calls for peace in Ukraine
Rev Nile calls for peace in Ukraine February 25, 2022 I have been greatly concerned by the rapidly escalating events in Ukraine. Military conflict has erupted following a military invasion from Russia in the South, North and East of Ukraine. My prayers are with the...

‘Whose Land? – Part 1’ – Documentary screening this Friday in NSW Parliament

Culture Watch Interview – Bill Muehlenberg and Mark Rabich.
Rev Hon Fred Nile was recently interviewed by Culture Watch's Bill Muehlenberg and Mark Rabich. Please click the below link to listen:

WHOSE LAND (PART 1) - FILM SCREENING AT NSW PARLIAMENT I am very pleased to be hosting 'Whose Land - Part 1' at NSW Parliament. This documentary is the first part of a ground breaking series of films about the true history of Israel and modern anti-semitism. This...

Dear Members, Supporters and Friends, As a result of unjustified legal action that the CDP were forced to defend, a Receiver will be reporting to the courts at the end of this month on whether the CDP is solvent or not. Please sign this Petition to show the...

Christian Democratic Party opposes Religious Discrimination Bill
Christian Democratic Party opposes Religious Discrimination Bill February 10, 2022 With utmost reluctance the Christian Democratic Party announces today our opposition to the Religious Discrimination Bill 2021. We are not alone in our opposition. The Christian...

Euthanasia Bill lurches towards Legislative Council
Euthanasia Bill lurches towards Legislative Council Sign the petition to stand for life and oppose death February 7, 2022 On the 26th of November the NSW Legislative Assembly passed the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2021. This dangerous Bill allows medical...

Display of Nazi Symbols Bill 2021 – Rev Hon Fred Nile combats antisemitism in Australia
Display of Nazi Symbols Bill 2021 Rev Hon Fred Nile combats antisemitism in Australia February 4, 2022 I am very honoured to be a Member of the NSW Parliament’s Social Issues Committee. This Committee serves as a mostly public forum for specialised evidence,...

Christian Education is on the rise but also under attack
Christian Education is on the rise but also under attack Christians must be allowed to teach and practice their faith February 1, 2022 In most welcome news I am happy to report that Alphacrucius College in Parramatta has been formally recognised as a...

International Holocaust Remembrance Day – The liberation of Auschwitz
International Holocaust Remembrance Day The liberation of Auschwitz January 27, 2022 The world must never forget the horrors of the Holocaust. The murderous evil of the Nazi war machine must be remembered for the sake of the persecuted and to prevent future...

Australia Day 2022
Australia Day January 26, 2022 On January 26, 1788 the First Fleet sailed into Sydney Harbour and began English Settlement. Our continent has a long and ancient history. The First Nations People of Australia are estimated to have inhabited Australia for over 65 000...

Prayers for Tonga
Prayers for Tonga January 25, 2022 The undersea volcano Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai erupted on Saturday the 15th of January. The eruption could be felt from countries as far away as Alaska and the smoke cloud was visible from space. The good news is that the immediate...
Rev Nile – Christmas Message

Week in review – NSW Parliament concludes for the year
Week in review NSW Parliament concludes for the year NSW Greens vote down anti-Semitism protections Legislative Assembly votes through Euthanasia November 29, 2021 Dear Members and Supporters, The Parliament of New South Wales has concluded for the...

Euthanasia Bill passes Legislative Assembly – Legislative Council debate begins next year
Euthanasia Bill passes Legislative Assembly 53 - 36 Legislative Council debate begins next year November 25, 2021 Dear Members and Supporters, The Legislative Assembly has passed the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2021 (Euthanasia) from a margin of 53 - 36....