Christian Democratic Party (CDP) leader, Rev. the Hon. Fred Nile MLC, will arrive in Melbourne today as part of a nationwide tour.

The CDP is fielding candidates across the country for the upcoming 2 July election with active campaigns and launches across the Nation.

The experienced conservative ‘balance of power’ MP will be launching May Hanna’s Victoria campaign at a sellout dinner on Wednesday night (25th May) in Melbourne. 

May Hanna leads the CDP senate ticket in Victoria. May is an Australian born Lawyer and Chartered Accountant of Syrian background working predominantly in the area of Immigration Law at Sabelberg Morcos Lawyers in Victoria. She is passionate about Human Rights and has been working tirelessly on the humanitarian crisis affecting minorities in the Middle East and Africa.

Over the last few years May has mainly worked with community leaders and groups including the Eastern Christian Welfare Australia in acting for Middle Eastern Christians who have been aggrieved by persecution. She is passionate and dedicated to helping those in need of asylum, regularly providing pro-bono advice to those that require it most. May is a true leader of the community who displays authenticity, passion and heart – true Christian values.

If elected to represent Victoria in the Senate May will work towards immigration reform and lobbying for the Government to take a stronger stance on the persecution of Christians and other minority groups worldwide.

In line with May’s passion for Human Rights, she is a strong advocate of providing access to justice for all Australians by protecting legal aid group funding which continues to be cut by the Government. 

May is also passionately campaigning for equal pay for women and believes the government needs to make bridging the significant gap the highest of priorities.

May will also work hard on ensuring proposed negative gearing changes are not passed as she believes the detrimental effect on our economy and property market could be disastrous. 

Rev Nile’s tour of Victoria coincides with the Victorian Labor government’s support for the ‘unsafe’ safe schools program which CDP promises to scrap. 

Rev Nile and May Hanna are available for media interviews. A limited amount of seating is reserved for media for Wednesday night’s dinner launch. Media enquiries to May Hanna [email protected] or 0412-900-398

For 35 years the CDP has stood for Aussie values and traditions, job and national security, industry protection, infrastructure enhancement, better healthcare, workplace equality and One Law for all Australians.


Media enquiries to May Hanna [email protected]

Authorised by Rev Hon Fred Nile MLC (CDP Federal President) 1 Wentworth St Parramatta 2150

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