Silvana Nero, a candidate for the by-election of the federal seat of North Sydney, successfully launched on Monday night the Federal CDP Campaign to win the seat of North Sydney around 100 members, supporters and voters in attendance at the Kirribilli Club.
In attendance were a cross-section of the Christian and Business community including representatives from the Coptic churches, the Greek Consul, and key corporate businesses and identities such as Prof. David Flint. Entertainers Helen Zerefos OAM and Ted Hamilton OAM were outstanding in their rendition of the songs such as YOU RAISE ME UP sung by Helen and HE AIN’T HEAVY, HE’S MY BROTHER sung by Ted.
“I am making myself available to hear the concerns of the people in the electorate after they were let down by the ousting of Tony Abbott by Malcolm Turnbull,” said Silvana Nero.
“I am now asking all Liberal members to cast a protest message by shifting their first vote away from the Liberal candidate, Trent Zimmerman, to me as the only true CDP conservative alternative candidate,” added Silvana Nero.
“The CDP believe the nation’s recovery from the Labor years, and the promise of urgently needed reforms, lies in the hands of conservative voters in seats like North Sydney. The voters of North Sydney have the voting power to ensure that its voice is heard by voting for me as the only viable conservative option,” said Silvana Nero.
Whilst the CDP has committed itself to supporting the Liberals’ legislative agenda it will not do so where Liberal policy contravenes CDP core values and policies.
For 34 years the CDP has stood for Aussie values and traditions, job and national security, industry protection, infrastructure enhancement, better healthcare, workplace equality and One Law for all Australians.
Silvana Nero has also committed herself to working with the voters of the electorate by opening a Campaign Office at 286 Pacific Highway, Crows Nest.
Opening a Campaign Office at 286 Pacific Highway, Crows Nest