The Christian Democratic Party (CDP) remains committed to ensuring no one has to work on Boxing Day. Under the CDP amendments to the now Baird Government Bill (current Bill which allows Boxing Day Trading is a former Labor Government Bill) the following has been achieved:
- No one has to work on Boxing Day, which was not the case;
- Absolute ban on workers working behind the scenes (unpacking, delivering etc.) on Christmas Day, Good Friday, Easter Friday and Anzac morning. This new provision protects retail workers on their major family and Holy days;
- A robust independent review to commence 1 March 2017 and to be completed by 1 September 2017 to integrate the effectiveness of the legislation with regard to protection of workers; and
- Hefty fines against Corporations that force workers to work or businesses to open and, in addition, the introduction of a new education program for workers and regarding their rights.
The Archbishop Glenn Davies, Anglican Diocese of Sydney, speaking on behalf of the NSW Council of Churches stated, “These points have convinced us to give our public support to the Bill which includes the above (CDP) mentioned amendments”.
The Bill he states “addresses the current anomalies across the state”.
The current legislation was “anomalous and discriminatory”. The CDP amendments have protected Christmas Day and Boxing Day for those who do not want to work. For the first time in many years those workers have a choice and families can celebrate Christmas together.
Download Letter from Archbishop Glenn Davies, Anglican Diocese of Sydney
Media Enquiries
Greg Bondar: 02 9633 3255