Jun 7, 2016 | Federal Media Releases, Media Releases, VIC Media Releases
In Victoria, since 2010, the new and untested ‘Safe Schools’ program has been teaching children in many Government schools, about homosexuality and transgenderism in what they claim is an attempt to combat bullying. Children as young as 11 are forced to...
May 24, 2016 | Federal Media Releases, Media Releases, VIC Media Releases
Christian Democratic Party (CDP) leader, Rev. the Hon. Fred Nile MLC, will arrive in Melbourne today as part of a nationwide tour. The CDP is fielding candidates across the country for the upcoming 2 July election with active campaigns and launches across the Nation....
May 11, 2016 | Federal Media Releases, Media Releases, VIC Media Releases
May Hanna is an Australian born Lawyer and Chartered Accountant of Syrian background working predominantly in the area of Immigration Law at Sabelberg Morcos Lawyers in Victoria. She is passionate about Human Rights and has been working tirelessly on the humanitarian...