Compassion never kills – Euthanasia vote next Thursday – The clock is ticking
Compassion never kills Euthanasia vote next Thursday The clock is ticking November 19, 2021 Dear Members and Supporters, I was honoured to be invited to speak at the pro-life Compassion Never Kills rally yesterday afternoon. We met behind NSW...
CDP Stands for Life – Rev Nile Introduces Bill to ban Sex-Selective Abortion – ‘Compassion Never Kills’ rally this Thursday
CDP Stands for Life Rev Nile Introduces Bill to ban Sex-Selective Abortion ‘Compassion Never Kills’ rally this Thursday November 17, 2021 Dear Members and Supporters, This morning I introduced the Abortion Law Reform (Sex Selection Prohibition) Amendment Bill...
Week in review – Antisemitism, Remembrance Day, Drugs and Warragamba Dam – Euthanasia to be voted on next week
Week in review Antisemitism, Remembrance Day, Drugs and Warragamba Dam Euthanasia to be voted on next week November 14, 2021 As NSW Parliament was closed for nearly four months this past week and the next two weeks expand the normal calendar of the NSW Legislative...
Crimes Legislation Amendment (Loss of Foetus) Bill 2021 – Zoe’s Law is here at last
Crimes Legislation Amendment (Loss of Foetus) Bill 2021 Zoe’s Law is here at last November 11, 2021 Mrs Brodie Donegan and her unborn daughter Zoe was the victim of a fatal motor vehicle accident on Christmas Eve 2009. Zoe lost her life. On the 6th of...
Anniversary of Kristallnacht ‘the night of broken glass’ – CDP endorses IHRA definition of antisemitism
Anniversary of Kristallnacht ‘the night of broken glass’ CDP endorses IHRA definition of antisemitism November 10, 2021 From the 9th to the 10th of November 1938 the Nazi SA stormed, terrorised and killed German Jews, close to a hundred were...
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