Aug 3, 2016 | Internal, Media Releases
CDP CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION The CDP NSW Management Committee has called a Constitutional Convention for Saturday 20th August 2016 at the Annual Convention to consider proposed amendments to the NSW State Branch Constitution, in accordance with Clause 21 of the...
Nov 25, 2015 | Internal, Media Releases
Silvana Nero, a candidate for the by-election of the federal seat of North Sydney, successfully launched on Monday night the Federal CDP Campaign to win the seat of North Sydney around 100 members, supporters and voters in attendance at the Kirribilli Club. In...
Oct 27, 2015 | Internal, Media Releases
The Federal President of the Christian Democratic Party (CDP), The Rev. Hon Fred Nile MLC, is today urging Liberal Party voters in North Sydney to vote for CDP candidate Silvana Nero ahead of the Liberal and other candidates at the forthcoming by-election. Liberal...
Oct 4, 2015 | Internal, Media Releases
The Christian Democratic Party’s Candidate for the upcoming North Sydney by-election, Silvana Nero, has today expressed her strong opposition to any changes to the GST. “Any increase to the GST, let alone the suggested 50 per cent increase, will inevitably be...
Mar 3, 2015 | Internal, Media Releases
As the world marks International Women’s Day, on Sunday 8th March, Mrs Silvana Nero (Candidate for Wakehurst and proud wife of Rev Hon Fred Nile MLC) is taking a genuine action to improve the lives for women and END VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN around the world. Mrs Silvana...