Jun 6, 2016 | Federal Media Releases, Media Releases, WA Media Releases
MEDIA STATEMENT For Immediate Release Date: 8th June 2016 How to stop shark attacks in WA Dr Mark Imisides, the Christian Democrats’ Lead Senate Candidate in WA, applauds the West Australian’s decision to highlight the issue of shark attacks with a provocative front...
Jun 1, 2016 | Federal Media Releases
Immediate Release 7 July 2016 The Federal Director of the Christian Democratic Party (CDP), Greg Bondar, says the time is right to opening up dialogue with ‘Christian’ based parties in Australia with a view to forming a Coalition of Christian Parties ideally under the...
May 30, 2016 | Federal Media Releases, Media Releases, WA Media Releases
The CDP party launch for the WA Senate Candidate for the upcoming Federal Election will be held at the City Church of Christ, 23/ 7 Aberdeen Street, Perth at 6.30pm on Sunday the 5th of June. This is your opportunity to meet the Rev. Hon Fred Nile MLC and our lead...
May 24, 2016 | Federal Media Releases, Media Releases, VIC Media Releases
Christian Democratic Party (CDP) leader, Rev. the Hon. Fred Nile MLC, will arrive in Melbourne today as part of a nationwide tour. The CDP is fielding candidates across the country for the upcoming 2 July election with active campaigns and launches across the Nation....
May 11, 2016 | Federal Media Releases, Media Releases, VIC Media Releases
May Hanna is an Australian born Lawyer and Chartered Accountant of Syrian background working predominantly in the area of Immigration Law at Sabelberg Morcos Lawyers in Victoria. She is passionate about Human Rights and has been working tirelessly on the humanitarian...
May 3, 2016 | Federal Media Releases, Media Releases, WA Media Releases
The Christian Democratic Party (CDP) has endorsed Dr Imisides, a career scientist and WA resident since 1996. His background includes teaching in universities, industrial experience in chemical manufacturing, environmental and waste management, and consulting to...